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adeteju is the 2nd of 3 Children. She is passionate about God ... Adeteju loves to read and also writes, she is of the view that a reader is a leader. She is a wife and a mother.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


"Dear Daddy,
I am grateful to you for how far you have brought me....
I look back and all I can scream is " THANK YOU DADDY!!!"
When I didn't finish with my desired garde after my first degree programme, I felt like a total failure,now I surely know better.
Now I know that you truly make all things beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3 v. 11.)
I respect you as a God who knows the end right from inception. I know I am not there yet but I am indeed grateful 'cos it is obvious that thus far, it has been you.
Now I know what it means to be blessed and highly favoured...
Now I know that it is not by grade but by grace
Now I know it is not by merit but by miracle
I love you Dad and always will I do...

PS: In whatever situation you find yourself, learn to "THANK GOD" (1 Thessalonians 5 v. 18)
Never compare yourself with anyone, I have come to realise that we are all on different races and on different tracks.
I got talking to a Sister/Friend today who made a higher grade than I did in school and at the moment, she is unemployed.....It just dawned on me that I really do not merit my current job but by virtue of the miracle daddy that I serve, I AM WHERE I AM!!! Not where I want to be but also not where I used to be, I am on my way and I am happy and grateful...
And to my Sister/Friend, you are in God's waiting room, it is just a matter of time....

With love and prayers,


Rita said...

Isn't God wonderful...I feel this your post and heart of thanksgiving...

Unknown said...

there really is a lot tho thank God for in life

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omoba-adeteju! said...

rita, thanks for ur comments and for dropping by..
chizy k..yea, i agree with so much to Thank God for..following you rite away!

Myne said...

I love God cos I know He will never let us down. our own is just to keep thanking Him

Anonymous said...

Am thankful to be ALIVE & HEALTHY.